Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I'm Going To Try

Recently I've read a lot of postings about President Hinckley and what an amazing impact he had on so many. I wanted to post something to honor him as well, but everytime I thought of posting, I couldn't think of an appropriate way to express my feelings. So, afer more blog hopping I found that some people are participating in what is being called "The Hinckley Challenge". The challenge consists of reading The Book of Mormon in 97 days. (One day for each year President Hinckley was alive) I've decided that I am going to try.
I love President Hinckley. I loved the influence he had on others around him. I know that when I get into the habit of reading my scriptures I am a better person. So, participating in this challenge is my small attempt to become a bit more like President Hinckley. We were so lucky to get to have President Hinckley with us for so long, and I am really looking forward to what the new presidency will bring.


Jessica said...

Great GREAT idea. Way better than a post.

Anonymous said...

As a family we are just finishing 4Nephi...personally I am just approaching 3 Nehpi, so I think we will press on and think of him and of you often in the process! Love, mom