Monday, December 3, 2007

Oh Brother...

I am totally excited about posting right now, so don't blame me if I post a million times and then fall off the map.
I wanted to post a picture of one of our dogs. This is Brother.
We have three dogs, and Brother was the last to join our family.
We love this dog so much. He is a gorgeous guy, but we joke with each other that there doesn't seem to be much going on upstairs, but last night he proved us wrong...twice.
At our house the dogs have a kennel out in the garage that they rough house, eat and generally cause problems in. The one thing we don't really deal with is barking...except from Brother. He barks on and off throughout the day, usually when there is another dog around, or just to hear the sound of his own bark.
Yesterday Steven and I were in the kitchen just having gotten back from church, and Brother started barking like crazy. I opened the kitchen door to tell him to try his hardest to keep it together, when I looked beyond the dogs and saw that our car had slid out of our driveway and into the street. Brother was unable to contain himself, hopping around and barking. So, Steve moved the car back, and we went upstairs to change out of our church clothes. So, when the barking like mad started again, we look outside to see that once again our car was in the street.
So, I guess even though he causes us grief....everyone once and a while it's okay to groan...."Oh Brother...."


Randi said...

Yeah Cassie! Look at you. Love the blog. Love the band wagon. :)

Jackie said...

Oh my gosh! Thank heavens for Brother. I'm so excited to be always caught up with you guys now. I want to see pictures of the other two kids...I mean dogs. :-) And you two, too.