We were at the grocery store last night and a woman asked Steven to stop so she could see Cooper. She asked how old he was and I replied, "6 months." Steven corrected me and said, "Actually he's 7 months tomorrow." I couldn't believe it. Over the six month mark. It's crazy.

We love you buddy!
Wow he is getting big! Soon he will be walking and talking like a regular adult. OK-- maybe not like an adult:)
He is soo cute, and as I said in my head ahhh little coop, I realized that he isn't so little anymore lol!!!
Love you
I can't believe how grown up he looks compared to his newborn pictures. You don't realize how much they've evolved into little people until you look backwards. What a handsome little man he is...
Yes, we do love you, buddy!! Dad
My word...is that Mommy holding Cooper or Cooper holding up Mommy...such a big boy!!! Love, gma
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