Well, Steven is out of town, and I'm missing him quite a bit. I never realize until he's away how much my life revolves around him. When we were engaged I used to send Steven e-mails listing things I loved about him. I know it sounds lame, but we hardly dated so they were as much a revelation to me as they were to him. It was fun to see how many things there were to love about him, and I realized today that I have about 100 reasons more now. Don't worry everyone out there (Jarom, Tyler, Dan...I'm talking to you...) I'm not going to list them all, I'm just listing a few.

1. Since Steven and I were first friends, he always made me laugh. It wasn't his jokes or anything else he was doing, it was just him. His everyday thoughts and actions make me smile, shake my head, and cover my face. I remember trying to buy him a hat, and when I asked him what his hat size was, he got off the phone and then got back on and said it was kind of big. I told him that wasn't a hat size, and then I asked how he determined that. He told me that he measured his head with a lamp cord. (What?) His humor and lightness of heart was so important for me when we were in the hospital with Cooper.
2. I am so grateful that he is a worthy priesthood holder. He leads our family so sweetly, but strongly. I'm so grateful that he takes the role naturally and without prodding. When we were in the hospital, there were a few moments where we were really close to losing Cooper, and I can't explain how grateful I was that he could give the blessings that were needed.
3.He keeps our family fed. Enough said.
4. He loves his family so much. I love watching Steven with his brothers. (And in-laws) It's been so amazing for us all to get to live in the same place for a while. I don't know if Steven's brothers know how much he looks up to them and learns from them still. He loves each of his siblings so much, and I'm grateful to them for always taking care of their little brother.

5.When Steven and I decided to get married, we had only been dating for about two days, but we had been distant friends for about two years. It was a decision that was very much prompted and confirmed by the spirit, but it was a difficult one for me none-the-less. I was really looking for the person who would knock me off my feet, and Steven just kind of snuck up behind me. (And stood there for two years) We decided to get married, even though we would be very far apart for all the months leading up to our wedding. We actually didn't live in the same town until after we were married. So, the decision to get married was one that was scary for me. I knew we could make it work, but I very much wanted to feel overwhelmed too. The day before I was supposed to move to Nevada, my family and Steven tricked me and he flew in for only about 12 hours so we could be together. That was the moment for me. I was completely overwhelmed and I'll never forget that moment. Steven makes me feel like that everyday.

6. Steven is an amazing father. I never really worried about how he would be with the baby, but I've been
pleasantly amazed. He is very confident with Cooper and he never complains.

I miss him. He is amazing.
Aww, Cass, you are so sweet!
Cassie, that is so very sweet. It is wonderful to be THAT in love.
Oh sweetie you made me cry! It's funny that your love for me and my love for my familiy are so interwined. The things that have made the biggest impact on you are the things that my family suggested, encouraged or helped me do. Love you Pumpkin Pie.
you and i were thinking along the same lines yesterday.
i teared up too, steven. and i am not even in love with you!!
well, i love you. but only like a sister. (i am the sister)
i feel your pain, cassie.
That was like watching a chick flick. Only reading it in a few minutes... cute! I didn't know some of those things. He seems like a great guy. We are lucky girls. :)
Wonderful...simply wonderful! How peaceful to know your heart is in such tender hands! Love, mom
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