We've felt a bit guilty whining about Cooper being a grump lately since we discovered that not two but four teeth are coming in on top.
We apologize.
While the Davis boys were here, Mason asked Steven if we had Guitar Hero. During the discussion it came out that Mason wanted to try to play the guitar. So, Steven took the boys upstairs, and Mason played the guitar! The best part by far was when Mason told Mom to go get Grandpa to hear him play, and when Dad came upstairs Mason said, "Videotape me Grandpa!" Guess they know what Grandpa's good for!
We've been having so much fun with Trooper lately. When everyone was over, he of course broke almost every rule, but he was pretty good nonetheless. He managed to take bows, candy canes, and ornaments off the tree, sit on people, and wrestle with little boys. He's the best guy.
After everyone left, Steven and I were watching America's Funniest Home Videos when I noticed that Trooper had gotten a little heavy on my legs. Luckily I had my camera to capture that he had fallen asleep sitting up. Poor guy.

Cas, I just love your updates. I absolutely LOVE seeing on my google reader when you have a new post. Poor little Cooper! Can you imagine having to feel that? He is so adorable through it all. I love his rosy cheeks!
Oh poor Baby! Teething is HORRIBLE!!! Korbin has broke two teeth through on the bottom and two on top are comming through...I HATE IT!!!! Copper Feel better!
The stromboli was the best, Cass and the company was pretty good. Grandpa D.
What a sweetheart he is. He is such a dog that I will never get being with. Love, Tim/Uncle Tim
If we haven't learned by now, this is the final evidence, that Cooper is one tough little guy with a stoic determination to survive any trial...what an example!
Trooper's front leg is the size of an arm!!! And, I'm with him...this family wears me out! Love, mom/gma
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