Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Blizzard Walks

I don't have much new to theorize about, or much witty to say, so instead my post today is of a walk we took last night with Tim and Brother. Tim is working really hard to get in shape, and since he was staying with us last night, he was required to get 30 minutes of exercise in somehow. He was not too thrilled about our elliptical machine, so the walk was our next choice. We planned to go on our walk right after dinner, and right before "The Biggest Loser", which we all love. So, here are a few pictures from our adventure out into the blizzard we had last night. (It literally snowed all night, I know, I was awake!)

I have a bunch of great pictures of Brother, but whenever he looked right into the camera, it made his eyes look like C-3PO's. It's actually very disturbing, so enjoy the profile shots!

I don't know how well you will able to see that Brother's back is absolutely coated with snow. He was so in his element...he loved it! On a side note, Steve was horrified when he realized that these pictures were going to be posted of him walking our ultra-masculine mountain dog with a pink leash. Oh well!

I want to have a miniscule whine and say, when is my face going to go back to normal! I have always had chipmunk cheeks, but this is out of control! I did have a great time out with the boys, but of course the minute we got out of our house I had to go to the bathroom.

Everyone just ignore the leash, IGNORE THE LEASH!

We have had such an awesome winter this year, we hope everyone else is too!


Jessica said...

Can we see a picture of Brother on the elliptical machine, please? Leash included?

And those chipmunk cheeks...dissappear with the placenta. Seriously, I could gain 3 lbs during a pregancy and my cheeks would still be the size of oranges.

Anonymous said...

i think brother looks cute inthat pink leash. today, it gave us a blizzard too! the sixth graders made a snowball taller and mder than me! ( this is line)

Anonymous said...

whoops! I didn't mean mder i meant wider! (this is line again.)

Anonymous said...

Cass, I just want you to know, I just love reading your blog...I get the biggest giggles out of your husband. Miss you guys terribly. Love, Gin

Anonymous said...

I can just hear your voice...Ignore the leash! So funny. Isn't it fun to have Line on here?

Anonymous said...

I can totally hear her saying it too! Cass - my problem is never the cheeks but the lips. I swear mine always look like I had something injected into them . . . Yuck.
