And therefore, I am back.
(I'm referring to my computer of course!)
Thank you so much Dan for restoring my computer to it's full health.
As previously mentioned....I am back in action. Yippee!
Things have been pretty busy around here.
Cooper has very much been enjoying having is older cousins around, so much that I pretty much become invisible whenever they're here. Matt has taught Cooper how to blow raspberries with his tongue, and I'm starting to believe that that is how he will communicate with us forever. I'm learning a lot about wrestling, and so is Cooper, as seen below.

I celebrated my 24th birthday a few weekends ago, and it was such a fun day. Somehow, we managed to see two moose (or is it moosen?) on my birthday. It was crazy to see them so close, or at all for that matter. (For those interested, a lot of wildlife has come down from the mountains in search of food because of the crazy winter we are having, so moose sighting are happening pretty frequently)

(Beware, a lot of Cooper's about to be mentioned.
1. The Cooper's- Wonderful friends of the family
2. Cooper the Horse- Horse given to us from friends of family, and thus named after them
3. Cooper- son of Steven and Cassie, named for Jim Cooper, mentioned first)
The Coopers (1) came this weekend to move Cooper (2) to their home in
Asotin. Cooper (2) hasn't been ridden a lot lately, and they have the
facilities and the time to care for her. So, she's visiting them until there is someone here of age to care for her. It was so fun to get to visit with them, and for them to get to see Cooper (3) since they hadn't seen him since before his surgery.

We were a bit concerned about getting Cooper (2) in the trailer, because her last experience was so awful. She was being backed out, and her back leg went under the trailer, causing a very severe injury which needed surgery and very long recuperation. Since her last memories weren't so sweet, we were concerned about her hopping in. It took a few hours, but between Mom, Sue and Jim, they got her in. The three unhelpfuls stood around taking pictures and muttering under their breath.
unhelpfuls being the pregnant (me), the sore knees (Dad), and the loud noise maker (Tim).

Later that night, we all headed out to dinner to celebrate Matt's birthday! We had so much fun at dinner on Saturday night, and then another family dinner on Sunday. Somehow for both of Matt's parties we ended up having Mexican food, but the highlight of the evening was Steven's (from scratch) Red Velvet Cake. Way to go babe!
Cooper loves the black beans. We do not appreciate the aftermath of the black beans.

We had such a crazy weekend, that for the very first time in his life, Cooper fell asleep at church.
I knew something was different when I came out of Primary and nobody was waiting for me. I went into the gym and found this...

On a side note, we went to the doctor this week, and they informed us that the baby is completely sideways. (How many times had a I told them that already!!)
Anyway, if she doesn't turn in the next couple of weeks, we'll be having a c-section this time. Turn un-named baby, turn!
We're back!
Yay for your puter being better! I would miss mine so bad!!! The moose (moosen, lol) have been all over the place! Your pic turned out to actually look like them though...mine, not so much. I loved your story about the Coopers (all 3) glad Cooper 2 is ok after the trailer. Cooper 3 was so cute Sunday! That boy crashes HARD!!!
Cass every single picture of Coop is sooo adorable, honestly. That is one photogenic chubby squeezable baby you got goin on there. Love your posts, I laugh every time. :)
you are such a funny blogger!!! I love reading your blogs....and I was so relieved to hear that coop # 2 made it to asotin! And I am glad that the 3 unhelpfuls didn't have to stand outside all night long haha...and hopefully baby turns, and you really still have no name for this poor child???? I personally enjoyed the name Liz I mean its a great name!!! Love you guys!
Cassie, you forgot to mention, in defense of the three unhelpfuls, that the temperature was very low. Standing around or sitting on hay bales with absolutely nothing to do was the problem. And, by the way, I was not completely unhelpful as I was able to complain a lot. Dad/Grandpa D.
The moose (the moosen) that was totally cool. But, also, when we were takin' Cooper #2 it was kind of grueling just sittin' there the whole time. But, it was worth it at the end of the of the time before I left a BALD EAGLE swooped in out of nowhere and flew right over...and that made my day!! Love, Tim/Uncle Tim
Does anyone else notice an uncanny resemblance between Cooper #3 and his namesake Cooper #1?? Too cute...
And, just for the record, Cooper #2 is one in a million...truly...Love, mom/gma
Cooper is sooooo cute!!!! And getting so big! Why do they grown up so fast??? I am soooo sorry the baby is sideways! MOVE BABY MOVE! NO C-SECTIONS! Lets get together soon!!!!!
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