Also yesterday, Harley Elizabeth Shaver decided to finally grace us with her presence! (With some not so gentle coaxing from her mother and petocin) This little lady weighed in at 9 pounds 5 ounces, and I'm sure tons of spunk. Her brave mother made it through hours of labor without any medication, and I'm so proud of her. Congratulations Shaver's!
This morning we blessed our little Abby. We felt so lucky and loved to have so much family with us. We wanted to send a huge thank you out to everyone who came, and also to those who sent warm thoughts our way today. We feel so grateful to have our little girl in our home. I am always overwhelmed when I attend blessings in our family. I love watching the priesthood holders surround something so vulnerable and precious. Watching a baby blessing always strengthens my testimony of family. On a side note, Cooper wasn't about to be outdone and peed all over my lap during Abby's was awesome.
We of course had our Easter baskets this morning as well. It was so fun to put them together, and also to have kids that would actually appreciate them this year. (Thanks again for the flowers Mom, they smell amazing!)
After church, we had a family egg hunt. It was raining again, so we had it inside. It was a blast. One of the best Easter gifts this year was having Dad back from Afghanistan and safe. We love our Grandpa!

Happy Easter!
That sounds like such a fun weekend!! Wish we could have been there for the peeing and for the egg smashing!!! Love you guys!
Oh my this a new fandangled Paul Mitchell-ish hair treatment?? Love, mom/gma
I love the egg crack idea, We're gonna have to do that next year.
That is definitely a fun tradition. I LOVE the action shot of Tim getting his comeuppance! And I agree...what a great gift to have dad home safe.
The picture Matt and Tim and the egg splatters is hilarious, also loved the picture of Grandpa with Coop. Wish I could've been there, love you guys!
So glad I was not there for the egg crack. that just looks horrific.
Abby is so sweet and congrats to Liz!
Thanks for your blog, Cassie. Life is so good, isn't it? And, thanks for the great Easter celebration. It was really fun.
Dad/Grandpa D
That was so much fun, even if I did think that I didn't want to...Love, Tim/Uncle Tim
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