Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

We had a truly amazing Thanksgiving this year. We headed out to Hayden Lake in the beginning of November to hang out there for a while. We were so lucky to be settled and toasty before we got hit with a big snowstorm. It was so beautiful to watch the snow fall over the lake and onto the water. Family who came out to hang out with me that day weren't quite so lucky when trying to get out of the steep driveway, but it was amazing anyway!
After a few weeks, the Davis family came out for Thanksgiving. It was such a throwback to be able to all hangout before the holiday and then to be back together super early for breakfast in jammies. We had so much fun the night before staying up and having treats while Kami cooked for hours. Early the next morning we watched the parade and had breakfast while the younger kids played horse and cowboy. It was almost a little too ideal, but the occasional injury took care of that.
Throughout the day people came and went to other family dinners. We headed to the Daines family dinner which was amazing. There were a few hiccups along the way, including Cooper spilling orange soda twice, once on his Grandma Daines. And I can't forget to mention that Abby fell out of her chair and hit her head on the ground, really hard. We kept her with us for quite a while after that one In the end the food was all cooked, people were happy, and it was maybe the most perfect Thanksgiving I've ever participated in. The only problem was that our Javier's decided to go to Hawaii right in the the middle of the whole thing! We missed them a great deal but we concede that James's family should get a holiday or two! We missed them.
I asked Kaci to take pictures in the morning, and then forgot about my still camera the rest of the day. So, we have morning/breakfast pictures...enjoy!

The only picture we have of Blythe the whole day, so typical of her right now. 100 miles an hour everywhere.

Mason read scriptures for us that morning, and was hands down the best helper we had all day. Kids, food, chores...he's your man!

The night before I taught the tweens a cup rhythm game that we used to play at girls camp. It kept them entertained and made a ton of noise, much to the chagrin of their parents and my own. But come on, I remember being told to be quiet all the time, that's when you know you are having fun!

What the.

Our little Liz was such a trooper and a huge helper, pregnant and all.

What an amazing Thanksgiving. It was so fun to all be together.


Suzi Q said...

Welcome back! I wish you knew how much I've missed reading your blog! Your kids are SO adorable!!

Brynne said...

Liz is pregnant??!!! Oh, awesome. I visit taught her for a bit, and I miss that girl!