When I was pregnant with Blythe, I knew that it was a different from my pregnancy with Abby, but really similar to my pregnancy with Cooper. When I was pregnant with Cooper he just kinda rolled around all the time. (Except for when his foot was stuck in my rib) With Abby I felt like I had a teeny tiny boxer in my tummy. I felt like she was always throwing punches in there. So, when I was pregnant with Blythe it was easy to feel the rolling, and I thought she just might be built more like Cooper.
And she is. We took her in for her 2 month checkup yesterday, and she's off the charts for height and in the 97th percentile for her weight. In fact she's double her birth weight, weighing almost 14 pounds. Even though she is amazingly cute and pudgy the best part about Blythe is that she is ALWAYS happy. She is peaceful and calm, and she loves everyone who locks eyes with her.
Sometimes I feel so lucky to be there Mom, but lately I just feel lucky that we get to be together all the time.