Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Our New Girl One

The Sunday before we went in to have Blythe I ended up sitting next to Tim at church. At one point I put a hand on my stomach to feel her kicking, and Tim said to me, "Is he hurting you a lot in there?" To which I responded, "No, she's just moving around..."
He looked at me with a shocked face, and not very quietly said, "It's a girl one?! I thought it was a boy!" And then he made a real grouchy face.
It's good to know that even though he wanted a boy, he'll still love a little girl.


Kelsee said...

Hahahahahahahahahhaha!!!!!! -Kelsee

Jackie said...

Oh, I LOVE it. He is so cute! Great picture!

Camille English said...

Oh my gosh I was just wondering how far along you were! Congratulations she's beautiful and I love her name.
I always forget to check now that your private. I will more now.

dad said...

Tim does say some pretty amazing things.

Anonymous said...

A "girl one!!" Precious Tim!! Love, mom/gma