Sunday, July 20, 2008

Are Those the Javier's Outdoors?

You heard it here first! The Javier's went camping! We had a really great time camping with our ward this last weekend. All the kids slept really well, including little Annie, and the Javier kids very much enjoyed throwing, rolling in, and eating dirt.

Cooper slept like normal, and so did his daddy.
(Try to ignore the really bad scratch that Cooper gave himself in the rest of the pictures...)

Also this weekend, Cooper had cereal!

This is Cooper after he discovered that there was some brown sugar in it.

Today we went on a "Cooper" walk, and for the first time up close, Cooper met Cooper! It was very fun and we can't wait to get back out there!


Anonymous said...

...and we had a horsey-good-time!! Both Cooper's were very good and enjoyed the romp...but not nearly so much as Cooper's daddy!! Love, gma

The Shavers said...

That looks like so much fun!!! Miss you guys!!!

Camille English said...

Your brave I haven't worked up enough nerve to camp with all the girls yet, but we want to.